Wigl breaks the chains of finance. Regain control of your Euros and Cryptos, with a simple, intuitive mobile app.
The Wigl app will soon be available, in the meantime: download the pre-app to save time when registering, and take part in quests to earn experience points:
Discover the freedom of transfer money between Wiglers free of charge !
Money transfers become simple, fast and economical. Send money to your loved ones without delay. wherever you are, whenever you want.Order your Wigl card: it's free2 !
Safes allow you to place your Cryptos to earn annual interest.
In partnership with Feel Mininga platform specialized in optimizing the return on digital assets.
You can get yield boosts by increasing your Grade and your Plan.
The Wigl Safes te permettent de bénéficier de rendements sur ton investissement en crypto
Wigl has its own cryptocurrency (also called a “token”) called simply $WIGL
Complete list of eligible brands available here
With Wigl, you win every time. Each validated referral allows you to spin the wheel of chance. Now it's your turn!
This fundraising helped finance Wigl's development
Pre-app release. Register and take part in quests while you wait for the Wigl app.
Wigl App is currently in Alpha: this internal testing step is crucial before an official launch
The Wigl application is not yet available and will come soon!
In the meantime, we recommend that you install the “pre-application” from Play Store or AppStore. This will save you time in completing your registration. You'll be perfectly prepared for the release of the Wigl app!
To open a Wigl account you must :
Wigl is not currently available to professionals of any legal status.
Delivery of Wigl cards is free of charge. In the event of loss or damage, we will charge for the manufacture of a new card.
You can invest in certain crypto-assets in a Safe that generates an annual return.
For example: place USDT in your Safe to earn up to 5% annual interest (depending on your plan and grade)
There are 3 levels of Grades on Wigl. The higher your rank, the more benefits you get:
To increase your grade, you need to hold a certain amount of $WIGL tokens. The levels of each grade evolve over time, so don't waste a minute and get started! Buy $WIGL
1 Complete price list: see terms and conditions of sale
2 The 1st card of each plan is free (delivery included). Prices available on the application for the next shipments.
3 Annual rate not guaranteed, subject to change. This rate is calculated according to your plan and grade in the application.
These products represent a risk of capital loss not exceeding the capital invested.
La société BLOCKCHAIN PROCESS SECURITY SAS au capital de 500 000 €, dont le siège se situe 29 boulevard de l’Europe 38170 SEYSSINET-PARISET, RCS 835275090, est enregistrée par l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), sous le numéro 378130, enregistrement consultable dans le Registre des agents financiers (www.regafi.fr) as payment services agent for the electronic money institution Xpollens (CIB 16528), whose registered office is at 110 Avenue de France 75013 Paris.
Nous intervenons en qualité de responsable pour le traitement de vos données aux fins de la fourniture de nos services et d’informations sur les services liés aux crypto-monnaies.
Pour les services de gestion des comptes et des cartes de paiement proposés, nous intervenons en qualité de sous-traitant de XPOLLENS, établissement de monnaie électronique, laquelle est responsable du traitement de vos données dans ce cadre. La politique de confidentialité de la société XPOLLENS peut être consultée au lien suivant : https://www.xpollens.com/protection-donnees/
En utilisant Wigl vous reconnaissez être informé que l’application est en version bêta et ne saurait être utilisée à d’autres fins que celle de tests visant à finaliser son développement. La responsabilité de la Société ne saurait donc être valablement recherchée pour un motif lié à l’utilisation de l’application. L’utilisateur déclare donc renoncer expressément à toute action en responsabilité contre la Société se rapportant à l’usage de ladite application.