Crypto investing just got easier!

How to invest in Crypto with Wigl?

Buy cryptocurrencies in seconds, then place them directly in the Safe to instantly generate interest, up to 5.00%1 : It's simple and intuitive.

No barriers to entry

Anyone can invest! Even without a large initial capital, It's possible to start investing in crypto with small amounts. It's an innovative universe that truly enables financial inclusion 🙌

Portfolio diversification

Diversifying your asset portfolio is key to reducing risk. Cryptocurrencies can act as a non-correlated asset, meaning they may not follow the trends of traditional markets such as stocks or bonds.




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Why Wigl?

Wigl makes it easy and cost-effective for you to invest in the most popular crypto-assets, and unlike the majority of similar payment service applications that offer the purchase of digital assets, Wigl gives you total control over your digital assets. You can move them to a digital wallet if you want to ensure their preservation, or you can keep them in your Wigl app to grow them and earn monthly interest. The choice is yours!

Wigl's innovative strategy enables it to provide a simple and flexible payment services application, attractive returns on crypto-asset accounts,and simplified access to crypto-asset investments - all subject to French regulations. 

1 Rates vary according to the amount of $WIGL tokens held by the user

As digital asset markets are decentralized and unregulated, our products and services are not governed by any specific European regulatory framework. These products represent a high level of risk and are not suitable for many investors. These products present a high risk of capital loss, but not exceeding the amount invested. You should not invest money you cannot afford to lose. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, which may go down as well as up.

Registered Agent/Distributor: BLOCKCHAIN PROCESS SECURITY SAS, with capital of €500,000, headquartered at 29 boulevard de l'Europe 38170 SEYSSINET-PARISET, RCS 835275090, is registered with the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), under number 378130, which can be consulted in the Registre des agents financiers ( as payment services agent for the electronic money institution Xpollens (CIB 16528), whose registered office is at 110 Avenue de France 75013 Paris.
We act as the data controller for the processing of your data for the purpose of providing our services and information about crypto-currency related services.

In accordance with articles L. 54-10-2 and L. 54-10-3 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, BLOCKCHAIN PROCESS SECURITY is registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) on the list of digital asset service providers (PSAN) under number E2021-022.

For the account and payment card management services offered, we act as a subcontractor for XPOLLENS, an electronic money institution, which is responsible for processing your data in this context. XPOLLENS' privacy policy can be consulted at the following link:

By using Wigl, you acknowledge that you have been informed that the application is in beta version and may not be used for any purpose other than testing in order to finalize its development. The Company cannot be held liable for any reason connected with the use of the application. The user hereby expressly waives all liability claims against the Company relating to the use of the aforementioned application.